Use clojure.spec
from the REPL:
(require '[clojure.spec.alpha :as s])
Write a spec using a predicate function:
(s/valid? number? 37) ; true
(s/valid? number? :foo) ; false
Combine predicates using and logic:
(def positive-number (s/and number? #(> % 0)))
(s/valid? positive-number 9) ; true
(s/valid? positive-number 0) ; false
Combine predicates using or logic:
(def number-or-string (s/or :numeric number? :stringy string?))
(s/valid? number-or-string 13) ; true
(s/valid? number-or-string "99") ; true
(s/valid? number-or-string :gotcha) ; false
The additional keyword preceding the predicate function is required for feedback.
Create a spec for collections of certain things:
(def str-coll (s/coll-of string?))
(s/valid? str-coll ["this" "and" "that"]) ; true
(s/valid? str-coll ["this" :and "that"]) ; false
Create a spec with rules for succession:
(def chess-move (s/cat :s1 string? :n1 number? :s2 string? :n2 number?))
(s/valid? chess-move ["A" 3 "C" 5]) ; true
(s/valid? chess-move [:A 3 "C" "5"]) ; false
Specify required and optional keys for a map:
(def employee
(s/keys :req-un [:acme.core/name
:opt-un [:acme.core/revenue]))
The req
and opt
in :req-un
and :opt-un
stand for required
and optional, respectively. The un
stands for unqualified: The
keys in the spec are namespace-qualified, but the ones in the
validated maps need not be:
(s/valid? employee {:name "Dilbert" :salary 120000}) ; true
(s/valid? employee {:name "Topper" :salary 130000 :revenue 500000}) ; true
(s/valid? employee {:name "Dogbert" :salary 150000 :position "consultant"}) ; true
(s/valid? employee {:name "Ashok"}) ; false
Use keyword shortcuts when defining specs in their respective namespace:
(def employee
(s/keys :req-un [::name ::salary]
:opt-un [::revenue]))
Register and use a spec globally:
(s/def :acme.core/employee employee)
(s/valid? :acme.core/employee {:name "Alice" :salary 115000}) ; true
Same, but using shortcuts for the keywords within the same namespace:
(s/def ::employee employee)
(s/valid? ::employee {:name "Alice" :salary 115000}) ; true
Further constrain the values for the specified keys in the map:
(def employee
(s/keys :req-un [::name ::salary]
:opt-un [::revenue]))
(s/def ::name string?)
(s/def ::salary number?)
(s/def ::revenue number?)
(s/valid? ::employee {:name "Alice" :salary 115000}) ; true
(s/valid? ::employee {:name :alice :salary 115000}) ; false
(s/valid? ::employee {:name "Alice" :salary "too little"}) ; false
Explain the cause of a spec mismatch:
(s/explain ::employee {:name :alice :salary 115000})
;; :alice - failed: string? in: [:name] at: [:name] spec: :acme.core/name
(s/explain ::employee {:name "Alice" :salary "too little"})
;; "too little" - failed: number? in: [:salary] at: [:salary] spec: :acme.core/salary
Return value for matching spec, and invalid
for mismatch:
(s/conform ::employee {:name "Alice" :salary 115000}) ; {:name "Alice", :salary 115000}
(s/conform ::employee {:name :alice :salary 115000}) ; :clojure.spec.alpha/invalid
Define a function for which to write a spec for:
(defn calc-bonus [employee percentage]
(let [factor (/ percentage 100)]
(+ (if (:revenue employee)
(* factor (:revenue employee))
(* (:salary employee) factor))))
(calc-bonus {:name "Alice" :salary 115000} 1.25) ; 1437.5
(calc-bonus {:name "Topper" :salary 130000 :revenue 500000} 1.25) ; 7875.0
Create a spec for the function’s arguments and return values:
(s/fdef calc-bonus
:args (s/cat :employee ::employee
:percentage number?)
:ret number?)
Activate the function spec:
(require '[clojure.spec.test.alpha :as stest])
(stest/instrument 'acme.core/calc-bonus)
(calc-bonus {:name "Alice" :salary 115000} 1.25) ; 1437.5
(calc-bonus {:name "Alice"} 1.25)
;; Execution error - invalid arguments to acme.core/calc-bonus at (REPL:94).
;; {:name "Alice"} - failed: (contains? % :salary) at: [:employee] spec: :acme.core/employee
For the following exercises, a Leiningen project called music
and a
module in music/src/music/core.clj
with the following
content is assumed:
(ns music.core
(:require [clojure.spec.alpha :as s]))
Songs and Musicians
Write and register two specs for maps:
- for a song with a name and a duration string, and
- for a musician with a name and an instrument.
Hint: Use the clojure.spec.alpha/keys
function and the string?
(s/valid? ::song {:name "Pale Fire" :duration "4m17s"}) ; true
(s/valid? ::song {:name "Pale Fire" :duration 257}) ; false
(s/valid? ::musician {:name "Jim Matheos" :instrument "Guitar"}) ; true
(s/valid? ::musician {:name "Jim Matheos" :instrument :keytar}) ; false
Bands and Albums
Write and register two specs for maps:
- for a band with a name and a vector of musicians, and
- for an album with a name and a vector of songs.
Hint: Use the keys
and coll-of
function from the
(def jim {:name "Jim Matheos" :instrument "Guitar"})
(def ray {:name "Ray Alder" :instrument "Vocals"})
(def fates-warning {:name "Fates Warning" :members [jim ray]})
(def coldplay {:name "Coldplay" :members [:chris :jonny]})
(def pale-fire {:name "Pale Fire" :duration "4m17s"})
(def apparition {:name "The Apparition" :duration "5m50s"})
(def best-of {:name "Best of Fates Warning" :songs [pale-fire apparition]})
(def worst-of {:name "Best of Coldplay" :songs [:viva-la-vida :clocks]})
(s/valid? ::band fates-warning) ; true
(s/valid? ::band coldplay) ; false
(s/valid? ::album best-of) ; true
(s/valid? ::album worst-of) ; false
Song and Album Duration
Write a spec for the parse-duration
function. It shall accept a
string and return an integer.
Hint: Copy the function’s code into the current project. Use the
function from the clojure.spec.alpha
namespace and the
function from the clojure.spec.test.alpha
(require '[clojure.spec.test.alpha :as stest])
(stest/instrument 'music.core/parse-duration)
(parse-duration "3m15s") ; 195
(parse-duration 300)
;; Execution error - invalid arguments to music.core/parse-duration at (REPL:106).
;; 300 - failed: string? at: [:dur]