Records and Protocols

Define a record:

(defrecord Musician [name instrument band])

Use the automatically generated factory functions to create a new record instance:

(def jimmy (->Musician "Jim Matheos" "Guitar" "Fates Warning"))
(def bobby (map->Musician {:name "Bobby Jarzombek"
                           :instrument "Drums"
                           :band "Fates Warning"}))

Records can be used like maps:

(:instrument jimmy) ; "Guitar"
(count bobby) ; 3

Extend a record with additional fields:

(assoc jimmy :first-album "Night on Bröcken")
;; {:name "Jim Matheos",
;;  :instrument "Guitar",
;;  :band "Fates Warning",
;;  :first-album "Night on Bröcken"}

(:instrument jimmy) ; "Guitar"

Access to pre-defined record fields is faster than access to additional fields added later.

Define a protocol:

(defprotocol Personalized
  (name [this])
  (describe [this]))

Implement a protocol for different record types:

(defrecord Musician [name instrument band]
  (name [this]
    (:name this))
  (describe [this]
    (str (:name this) " plays " (:instrument this) " for " (:band this))))

(defrecord Employee [name position company]
  (name [this]
    (:name this))
  (describe [this]
    (str (:name this) " works as a " (:position this) " for " (:company this))))

Use the polymorphic functions on both record types:

(def people [(->Musician "Ian Hill" "Bass" "Judas Priest")
             (->Employee "Ashok" "Intern" "ACME Corp.")])
(map describe people)
;; ("Ian Hill plays Bass for Judas Priest"
;;  "Ashok works as a Intern for ACME Corp.")

Implement a protocol for an existing type:

(defprotocol Greetable
  (greet [this greeting]))

(extend-protocol Greetable
  (greet [this greeting]
    (str greeting ", " (name this) "!"))
  (greet [this greeting]
    (str greeting ", underling " (name this) ".")))

(map #(greet % "Hi") people) ; ("Hi, Ian Hill!" "Hi, underling Ashok.")

Protocols can be implemented for any existing types, including String, Boolean, and the like.

Create a one-off implementation for a protocol:

(def hello-kitty
  (reify Personalized
    (name [this] "Kitty")
    (describe [this] "Kitty is a cat!")))

(describe hello-kitty) ; "Kitty is a cat!"

Protocols can be implemented partially using reify, but calling missing functions causes runtime exceptions.


Shape Protocol

Define a protocol Shape with two functions area and circumference.

Hint: Use defprotocol; the functions only need a this parameter.

Test: (area (reify Shape (area [this] 0))) shall return 0.

(defprotocol Shape
  (area [this])
  (circumference [this]))

Square and Circle Records

Implement the Shape protocol for two new record types: Rectangle and Circle.

Hint: Use defprotocol; the Rectangle has a width and a height; the Circle has a radius. Use Math/PI and Math/pow for computing the circle’s area and circumference.

Test: (area (->Rectangle 3 4)) shall return 12, and (circumference (->Circle 5)) shall return 31.41592653589793.

(defrecord Rectangle [width height]
  (area [this]
    (* (:width this) (:height this)))
  (circumference [this]
    (+ (* 2 (:width this)) (* 2 (:height this)))))

(defrecord Circle [radius]
  (area [this]
    (* Math/PI (Math/pow (:radius this) 2.0)))
  (circumference [this]
    (* 2 Math/PI (:radius this))))

Volume Extension

Define a protocol Body with a function volume that expects a height parameter. Extend the Rectangle and Circle records to implement Body. The function shall compute the volume of a cuboid (Rectangle) and a cylinder (Circle).

Hint: Use extend-protocol. A cuboid’s volume is the area of its rectangular base multiplied by a height; a cylinder’s volume is the area of its circular base multiplied by a height.

Test: (volume (->Rectangle 3 4) 5) shall return 60, and (volume (->Circle 5) 3) shall return 235.61944901923448.

(defprotocol Body
  (volume [this height]))

(extend-protocol Body
  (volume [this height]
    (* (area this) height))
  (volume [this height]
    (* (area this) height)))