
Use bindings to give a name to local variables:

(defn total-costs [unit-price quantity]
  (let [good-costs (* unit-price quantity)
        freight-costs 8.5]
    (if (< good-costs 50)
      (+ good-costs freight-costs)

(total-costs 9.99 5) ; 58.45
(total-costs 10.99 5) ; 54.95

Earlier bindings are available to compute later bindings:

(defn total-costs [unit-price quantity]
  (let [good-costs (* unit-price quantity)
        freight-costs 8.5
        discount (* good-costs 0.01)
        discounted-costs (- good-costs discount)]
    (if (< discounted-costs 50)
      (+ discounted-costs freight-costs)

(total-costs 10.0 5) ; 58.0
(total-costs 10.0 6) ; 59.4

Bindings are available in functions returned from let:

(def interest-rates {:alice 2.5 :bob 1.5})
(defn interest-func [lender]
  (let [default-rate 5.0
        lender-rate (get interest-rates lender)
        actual-rate (if (nil? lender-rate) default-rate lender-rate)]
    (fn [amount]
      (* amount (/ actual-rate 100)))))

(def alice-interest (interest-func :alice))
(def bob-interest (interest-func :bob))
(def shlomo-interest (interest-func :shlomo))

(bob-interest 10000) ; 150.0
(alice-interest 10000) ; 250.0
(shlomo-interest 10000) ; 500.0

Use conditional bindings with if-let:

(def credit {:alice 5.15 :bob 2.95})
(defn checkout [total customer]
  (if-let [deduction (get credit customer)]
    (- total deduction)

(checkout 100 :alice) ; 94.85
(checkout 100 :bob) ; 97.05
(checkout 100 :joe) ; 100

The binding is only available if th expression is truthy.

If returning nil in the alternative case is sufficient, use when-let:

(def gifts {:alice "purse" :bob "hat"})
(defn handout [customer]
  (when-let [gift (get gifts customer)]
    (str "You get a " gift ".")))

(handout :alice) ; "You get a purse."
(handout :bob) ; "You get a hat."
(handout :chaim) ; nil


Temporary Values

Rewrite the solution for exercise Map Update Function from the last chapter with let bindings so that the code becomes more readable.

Hint: Bind the result of each update operation to a new variable.

Test: Same as in original exercise.

(def pliers {:price 7.55 :stock 23 :value 173.65 :revenue 0.0})
(def hammers {:price 3.95 :stock 10 :value 39.50 :revenue 0.0})
(def nails {:price 0.05 :stock 1974 :value 98.70 :revenue 0.0})

(defn sell [quantity item]
  (let [value (* quantity (:price item))
        reduced-stock (update item :stock #(- % quantity))
        reduced-value (update reduced-stock :value #(- % value))
        increased-revenue (update reduced-value :revenue #(+ % value))]

Formatting Durations

Write a function format-duration that, given a duration in seconds, returns a string of the following format: XhYmZs, with X indicating hours, Y indicating minutes, and Z indicating seconds.

Hint: Use quot and mod for the calculation and let for bindings. Omit any indications equal to 0 (e.g. 5m13s or 1h30m instead of 0h5m13s or 1h30m0s, respectively).

Test: (format-duration 4321) shall return 1h12m1s, (format-duration 3600) shall return 1h, and (format-duration 62) shall return 1m2s.

(defn format-duration [duration]
  (let [hours (quot duration 3600)
        duration (mod duration 3600)
        minutes (quot duration 60)
        duration (mod duration 60)
        seconds duration
        result (if (> hours 0) (str hours "h") "")
        result (str result (if (> minutes 0) (str minutes "m") ""))
        result (str result (if (> seconds 0) (str seconds "s") ""))]

Arcminutes and Arcseconds

Write a function print-angle that expects a decimal angle in degrees, e.g. 32.8451 and converts the decimal portion to arcminutes and arcseconds (i.e. 1/60 and 1/36000 parts of a whole degree). Print the angle formatted as x°y'z".

Hint: Consider the hints from the last exercise.

Test: (print-angle 32.8451) shall print 32°50'42".

(defn print-angle [degrees]
  (let [hours (quot degrees 1)
        decimals1 (mod degrees 1)
        minutes (quot decimals1 (/ 1 60))
        decimals2 (mod decimals1 (/ 1 60))
        seconds (quot decimals2 (/ 1 3600))
        result (if (> hours 0) (str (int hours) "°") "")
        result (str result (if (> minutes 0) (str (int minutes) "'") ""))
        result (str result (if (> seconds 0) (str (int seconds) "\"") ""))]
    (println result)))