Functional Things

Pass a function as an argument to another function:

(def painkiller {:artist "Judas Priest" :name "Painkiller"
                 :genre "Metal" :year 1990})
(def vengeance {:artist "Judas Priest" :name "Screaming for Vengeance"
                :genre "Metal" :year 1980})

(defn old? [album]
  (< (:year album) 1990))

(defn metal? [album]
  (= (:genre album) "Metal"))

(defn both? [album a? b?]
  (and (a? album) (b? album)))

(both? painkiller old? metal?) ; false
(both? vengeance old? metal?) ; true

Return a function from a function:

(defn both? [a? b?]
  (fn [album] (and (a? album) (b? album))))

((both? old? metal?) painkiller) ; false
((both? old? metal?) vengeance) ; true

In fact, defn is a shortcut of def and fn.

Apply a function to a number of values:

(apply + [0 1 2 3 4])

Apply a function partially:

(defn chatty-increment-by [x y]
  (println "increment" y "by" x)
  (+ x y))

(def increment (partial chatty-increment-by 1))

(increment 13)
;; increment 13 by 1
;; 14

Create a complement function, which negates a predicate:

(defn old? (< (:year album) 1990))
(def new? (complement old?))

(old? thriller) ; true
(new? thriller) ; false

Combine multiple predicate functions:

(defn old? [album]
  (< (:year album) 1990))

(def new? (complement old?))

(new? painkiller) ; true
(new? vengeance) ; false

Combine multiple predicate functions (using and logic):

(def new-priest-metal?
  (every-pred (complement old?)
              (fn [x] (= (:artist x) "Judas Priest"))

(new-priest-metal? painkiller) ; true
(new-priest-metal? vengeance) ; false

Use a function literal or lambda:

(#(Math/sqrt (+ (Math/pow %1 2) (Math/pow %2 2))) 3 4) ; 5.0

Instead of named parameters, function literals use numbered parameters %1, %2, etc. If only a single parameter is used, it can be abbreviated as %:

(#(* % 2) 13) ; 26


Combining and Complementing Predicate Functions

Given the following country data:

(def fr {:name "France" :population 68373433
         :hdi 0.91 :gdp 4.359e12})
(def it {:name "Italy" :population 58968501
         :hdi 0.906 :gdp 2.376e12})
(def ng {:name "Nigeria" :population 230842743
         :hdi 0.548 :gdp 0.252738e12})
(def bd {:name "Bangladesh" :population 174655977
         :hdi 0.670 :gdp 1.801e12})

Write the following predicate functions:

  • wealthy? returns true if the GDP per Capita is 25000 or higher, and false otherwise.
  • populous? returns true if the population is 100000000 or larger, and false otherwise.
  • developed? return true if the Human Development Index (HDI) is 0.75 or higher, and false otherwise.

Combine these predicates to a single predicate first-world? that returns true if the predicates wealthy? and developed? do and populous? does not apply.

Hint: Use every-pred to combine predicates and complement to negate a predicate.

Test: (first-world? fr) and (first-world? it) shall return true; (first-world? ng) and (first-world? bd) shall return false.

(def fr {:name "France" :population 68373433 :hdi 0.91 :gdp 4.359e12})
(def it {:name "Italy" :population 58968501 :hdi 0.906 :gdp 2.376e12})
(def ng {:name "Nigeria" :population 230842743 :hdi 0.548 :gdp 0.252738e12})
(def bd {:name "Bangladesh" :population 174655977 :hdi 0.670 :gdp 1.801e12})

(defn wealthy? [country]
  (>= (/ (:gdp country) (:population country)) 25000))

(defn populous? [country]
  (>= (:population country) 100000000))

(defn developed? [country]
  (>= (:hdi country) 0.75))

(def first-world? (every-pred wealthy? (complement populous?) developed?))

Partially Applied Predicate Functions

The predicates in the last exercises used arbitrary thresholds. Re-write the predicates so that the threshold used for comparison can be passed as their first argument. Re-create the single-parameter predicates from the last exercise by applying the two-parameter predicates partially with the threshold values from before.

Hint: Use partial for partial function application. Re-define the predicates wealthy?, populous?, developed?, and first-world? using def bindings.

Test: Same as before.

(def fr {:name "France" :population 68373433 :hdi 0.91 :gdp 4.359e12})
(def it {:name "Italy" :population 58968501 :hdi 0.906 :gdp 2.376e12})
(def ng {:name "Nigeria" :population 230842743 :hdi 0.548 :gdp 0.252738e12})
(def bd {:name "Bangladesh" :population 174655977 :hdi 0.670 :gdp 1.801e12})

(defn wealthy? [threshold country]
  (>= (/ (:gdp country) (:population country)) threshold))

(defn populous? [threshold country]
  (>= (:population country) threshold))

(defn developed? [threshold country]
  (>= (:hdi country) threshold))

(def first-world? (every-pred (partial wealthy? 25000)
                              (complement (partial populous? 100000000))
                              (partial developed? 0.75)))

Parametrized Predicate Functions

Re-write the predicate functions once more, but this time the parametrized predicate functions return a predicate function:

  • wealthy-pred accepts a parameter gdp-capita and returns a predicate corresponding to wealthy?.
  • populous-pred accepts a parameter population and returns a predicate corresponding to populous?.
  • developed-pred accepts a parameter hdi and returns a predicate correspondng to developed?.

Hint: The outer function accepts a threshold parameter, and the inner, returned function accepts a country parameter. The first-world? predicate provides the actual arguments to create the predicates.

Test: Same as before.

(def fr {:name "France" :population 68373433 :hdi 0.91 :gdp 4.359e12})
(def it {:name "Italy" :population 58968501 :hdi 0.906 :gdp 2.376e12})
(def ng {:name "Nigeria" :population 230842743 :hdi 0.548 :gdp 0.252738e12})
(def bd {:name "Bangladesh" :population 174655977 :hdi 0.670 :gdp 1.801e12})

(defn wealthy-pred [gdp-capita]
  (fn [country] (>= (/ (:gdp country) (:population country)) gdp-capita)))

(defn populous-pred [population]
  (fn [country] (>= (:population country) population)))

(defn developed-pred [hdi]
  (fn [country] (>= (:hdi country) hdi)))

(def first-world? (every-pred (wealthy-pred 25000)
                              (complement (populous-pred 100000000))
                              (developed-pred 0.75)))

Number Transformations

Write a function transform that accepts a vector of single argument functions that transform a given initial number. Use apply to run the functions. Write a tail-recursive function that applies the functions in the vector one by one.

Hint: Pass function literals with the vector.

Test: (transform 2 [#(* % 10) #(+ % 2) #(/ % 2) #(- % 1)]) shall return 10, and (transform 7 []) shall return 7.

(defn transform [x trans]
  (if (empty? trans)
    (transform ((first trans) x) (rest trans))))

Map Update Function

Given the following inventory data:

(def pliers {:price 7.55 :stock 23 :value 173.65 :revenue 0.0})
(def hammers {:price 3.95 :stock 10 :value 39.50 :revenue 0.0})
(def nails {:price 0.05 :stock 1974 :value 98.70 :revenue 0.0})

Write a function (sell quantity item) that decreases :stock by the given quantity, discounts :value by the product of :price and quantity, and increases the :revenue by the same product.

Hint: Use nested update function calls to update the relevant fields.

Test: (sell 1 pliers) shall return {:price 7.55 :stock 22 :value 166.1 :revenue 7.55}, and (sell 7 hammers) shall return {:price 3.95 :stock 3 :value 11.85 :revenue 27.65}.

(def pliers {:price 7.55 :stock 23 :value 173.65 :revenue 0.0})
(def hammers {:price 3.95 :stock 10 :value 39.50 :revenue 0.0})
(def nails {:price 0.05 :stock 1974 :value 98.70 :revenue 0.0})

(defn sell [quantity item]
  (update (update (update item
                          #(- % quantity))
                  #(- % (* quantity (:price item))))
          #(+ % (* quantity (:price item)))))