More Capable Functions
Create a multi-arity function:
(defn interest
([balance rate] (* balance (/ rate 100)))
([balance rate days] (* balance (/ rate 100) (/ days 360))))
(interest 17543.55 1.25) ; 219.294375
(interest 17543.55 1.25 180) ; 109.6471875
It is common for lower-arity functions to call higher-arity functions by filling in arguments with default values to share an implementation:
(defn interest
([balance rate] (interest balance rate 360))
([balance rate days] (* balance (/ rate 100) (/ days 360))))
(interest 9456.93 0.75) ; 70.926975
(interest 9456.93 0.75 180) ; 35.4634875
Write a variadic function by accepting a variable number of arguments:
(defn pizza-price [basic & extras]
(+ basic (count extras)))
(pizza-price 17) ; 17
(pizza-price 17 "Salami") ; 18
(pizza-price 17 "Salami" "Extra Cheese" "Olives") ; 20
Write a multimethod that dispatches the function call to its proper implementation depending on the arguments provided:
(defn dispatch [shape]
(and (contains? shape :height) (contains? shape :width)) :rectangle
(contains? shape :side) :square
(contains? shape :radius) :circle))
(defmulti area dispatch)
(defmethod area :rectangle [r]
(* (:height r) (:width r)))
(defmethod area :square [s]
(* (:side s) (:side s)))
(defmethod area :circle [c]
(* (Math/pow (:radius c) 2) Math/PI))
(defmethod area :default [x]
(ex-info "unknown shape" {:shape x}))
(area {:width 3 :height 4}) ; 12
(area {:side 3}) ; 9
(area {:radius 5}) ; 78.53981633974483
(area {:h 7 :a 10 :c 4}) ; Exception
An argument not accounted for in the dispatch
function is resolved to
Write a recursive function:
(defn sum [xs]
(if (empty? xs)
(+ (first xs) (sum (rest xs)))))
(sum []) ; 0
(sum [1 2 3]) ; 6
(sum [1 2 3 4 5]) ; 15
Write a tail-recursive function:
(defn sum
([xs] (sum xs 0))
([xs acc]
(if (empty? xs)
(sum (rest xs) (+ (first xs) acc)))))
Enable tail-call optimization by replacing the recursive function call with
(defn sum
([xs] (sum xs 0))
([xs acc]
(if (empty? xs)
(recur (rest xs) (+ (first xs) acc))))) ; NOTE: recur instead of sum
Refactor tail recursion as a loop:
(defn sum [xs]
(loop [xs xs
acc 0]
(if (empty? xs)
(recur (rest xs) (+ (first xs) acc)))))
Document values and function using a docstring:
(def VAT "value added tax rate in percent" 8.1)
(defn hypot
"Calculates the hypothenuse given the rectangular triangle's legs a and b."
[a b]
(Math/sqrt (+ (Math/pow a 2) (Math/pow b 2))))
(hypot 3 4) ; 5.0
Retrieve a docstring programmatically:
(doc VAT) ; value added tax rate in percent
(doc hypot)
;; Calculates the hypothenuse given the rectangular triangle's legs a and b.
Provide validations of arguments and the return value using pre and post conditions, respectively:
(defn hypot [a b]
{:pre [(> a 0) (> b 0)]
:post [(> % a) (> % b)]}
(Math/sqrt (+ (Math/pow a 2) (Math/pow b 2))))
(hypot 3 4) ; 5.0
(hypot 3 0) ; Assert failed: (> b 0)
The return value is available as %
in the post condition.
Acceleration and Speed
Write a multi-arity function end-speed
to compute the speed given an
acceleration a
in m/s²
, a time indication t
in s
, and—optionally—a
starting speed v0
in m/s
. Document the function with the formula in a
Hint: Use the formula v=v0+at
. The lower-arity function shall call the
higher-arity function.
Test: (end-speed 2 10)
shall return 20
, and (end-speed 2 10 7.5)
return 27.5
Property Summation
Given the following maps of personal financial data:
(def jack {:income 4500 :balance 12942 :debt 120000})
(def jill {:income 3200 :balance 19172 :debt 250000})
(def jane {:income 4900 :balance 10342 :debt 100000})
Write a recursive function (sum-by [prop & args])
that sums up the given
property prop
in the provided data. Document the function using a docstring.
Hint: Return 0 if the property isn’t found in the data, or of no arguments are
provided. Use apply
for the recursive call.
Test: (sum-by :income jack jill)
shall return 7700
, and (sum-by :debt jack jill jane)
shall return 470000
Bonus Calculation
Given the following payroll data:
(def dilbert {:salary 120000 :position "Engineer"})
(def wally {:salary 90000 :position "Engineer"})
(def topper {:salary 150000 :position "Sales" :revenue 2750000})
(def ashok {:salary 36000 :position "Intern"})
(def boss {:salary 500000 :position "Manager"})
Write a multimethod bonus
that calculates each employee’s bonus based on the
following rules:
- Engineers earning more than
get a bonus of 10% of their salary. Engineers earning up to100000
get a bonus of 15% of their salary. - Sales people get a bonus of 10% of their salary and 1% of their revenue.
- Interns get a fixed bonus of
. - All other employees get a bonus of
Hint: The dispatch
function shall differentiate between low- and high-earning
engineers. Do not explicitly return :default
from the dispatch method for all
other employees.
Test: (bonus dilbert)
shall return 12000.0
, (bonus wally)
shall return
, (bonus topper)
shall return 42500.0
, and (bonus ashok)
return 2000.0
Fibonacci Numbers
Write a tail-recursive function (fib [n])
that computes the nth Fibonacci
Hint: The nth Fibonacci number is defined as the sum of its two predecessors.
The first two Fibonacci numbers are 1
and 1
. Use loop
and recur
implement the function.
Test: (fib 0)
and (fib 1)
shall return 1
, (fib 10)
shall return 89
and (fib 45)
shall return 1836311903
—and finish within within milliseconds
(use (time (fib 45))
to check).
Blob Eats Blob
Given the following data:
(def red {:weight 80 :strength 50})
(def blue {:weight 90 :strength 40})
(def green {:weight 70 :strength 35})
(def black {:weight 0 :strength 0})
Write a function (merge-blobs [a b])
which simulates a fight between the two
blobs a
and b
. The blob with the higher strength eats up the blog with the
lower strength, thereby gaining the defeated blob’s weight and 10% of its
strength. Test for the following conditions:
- Preconditions: Both blobs have a positive weight and strength.
- Postcondition: The returned weight is higher than the weight of any given blob.
Hint: Use :pre
and :post
to enforce the conditions.
Test: (merge-blobs red blue)
shall return {:weight 170 :strength 54}
, and
(merge-blobs green black)
shall throw an assertion error.