
Execute code conditionally:

(def active true)
(if active
  (println "active")) ; "active"

Run alternative code if a condition fails:

(def active false)
(if active
  (println "active")
  (println "inactive")) ; "inactive"

Use if as an expression:

(def active true)
(if active
  "inactive") ; "active"

An if expression with no else branch returns nil if the condition fails:

(def active false)
(if active "active") ; nil

Check for equality and inequality:

(= (+ 2 3) (+ 1 4)) ; true
(not= (+ 3 5) 99) ; true

Compare numbers:

(> 5 3) ; true
(< 3 5) ; true
(<= 4 3) ; false
(>= 2 3) ; false

Unlike infix operators, prefix operators allow for many operands:

(= 5 (+ 2 3) (+ 1 2 2) (- 8 1 1 1)) ; true
(< 1 4 17 99 128) ; true
(< 1 4 99 17 128) ; false

Use type predicate functions to check whether or not an expression is of a certain type:

(number? 13) ; true
(number? "foo") ; false
(string? "bar") ; true
(string? 42) ; false
(keyword? :foobar) ; true
(keyword? "foobar") ; false
(vector? [1 3 5 7]) ; true
(vector? #{1 3 5 7}) ; false
(map? {:name "Jim" :instrument "Guitar"}) ; true
(map? [:name "Jim" :instrument "Guitar"]) ; false

Use logical expressions to combine conditions:

(defn leap-year? [year]
  (or (and (= (mod year 4) 0)
           (not= (mod year 100) 0))
      (= (mod year 400) 0)))

(leap-year? 1984) ; true
(leap-year? 1999) ; false
(leap-year? 2000) ; true
(leap-year? 2004) ; true
(leap-year? 2100) ; false

Only the values false and nil are falsy and evaluate to false in a condition. All other values, including the number zero, the empty string, and empty collections are truthy and evaluate to true.

Group expressions to blocks:

(defn divide-with-rest [x y]
  (if (= (mod x y) 0)
      (println x "is divisible by" y)
      (/ x y))
      (println x "is not divisible by" y)
      [(quot x y) (mod x y)])))

(divide-with-rest 10 5)
;; 10 is divisible by 5
;; 2
(divide-with-rest 10 3)
;; 10 is not divisible by 3
;; [3 1]

Execute a block conditionally:

(defn divide [x y]
  (when (not= y 0)
    (println "divisible")
    (/ x y)))

(divide 10 3)
;; divisible
;; 10/3

(divide 10 0)
;; nil

Handle multiple conditions:

(defn fizzbuzz [n]
    (= (mod n 15) 0) "FizzBuzz"
    (= (mod n 3) 0) "Fizz"
    (= (mod n 5) 0) "Buzz"
    :else (str n)))

(fizzbuzz 2) ; "2"
(fizzbuzz 6) ; "Fizz"
(fizzbuzz 10) ; "Buzz"
(fizzbuzz 30) ; "FizzBuzz"

Compare an expression against multiple values:

(defn day-name [d]
  (case d
    0 "Sunday"
    1 "Monday"
    2 "Tuesday"
    3 "Wednesday"
    4 "Thursday"
    5 "Friday"
    6 "Saturday"

(day-name 0) ; "Sunday"
(day-name 3) ; "Wednesday"
(day-name 8) ; "unknown"

Catch an exception:

(defn divide [x y]
    (/ x y)
    (catch ArithmeticException e (str "division failed" e))))

(divide 10 5) ; 2
(divide 10 0)
;; "division failedjava.lang.ArithmeticException: Divide by zero"

Throw an exception:

(defn safe-divide [x y]
  (if (= y 0)
      (ex-info "illegal division" {:dividend x :divisor y}))
    (/ x y)))

(safe-divide 10 2) ; 5
(safe-divide 10 0)
;; execution error (ExceptionInfo) at user/safe-divide (tmp.clj:4).
;; illegal division

Exceptions thrown by ex-info can be caught as clojure.llang.ExceptionInfo:

  (safe-divide 3 0)
  (catch clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo e
    (println "panic!")))


Range Check

Write a function in-range? that returns true when the argument x is within the interval of parameters a (lower limit) and b (upper limit), and false otherwise.

Hint: Use two conditions in conjunction—or a comparison operator using three operands.

Test: (in-range? 3 1 5) shall return true, (in-range 17 1 10) shall return false.

;; Solution using a conjunction of two conditions.
(defn in-range? [x a b]
  (and (>= x a) (<= x b)))

;; Solution using an operator with three operands.
(defn in-range? [x a b]
  (<= a x b))

Pythagorean Triplet

Write a function pythagorean-triplet that accepts three numbers a, b, and c. If the condition a²+b²=c² holds true for the arguments provided, the string a²+b²=c² shall be returned, with a, b, and c replaced by their actual values. If the condition does not hold, the string a²+b²≠c² shall be returned with the according replacements.

Hint: Use Math/pow to compute the exponents, and str to concatenate the return value.

Test: (pythagorean-triplet 3 4 5) shall return 3²+4²=5², and (pythagorean-triplet 1 2 3) shall return 1²+2²≠3².

(defn pythagorean-triplet [a b c]
  (if (= (+ (Math/pow a 2) (Math/pow b 2)) (Math/pow c 2))
    (str a "²+" b "²=" c "²")
    (str a "²+" b "²≠" c "²")))

Quadratic Formula

Write a function quadratic that accepts parameters a, b, and c, and returns the solutions to equations of the form ax²+bx+c=0 using the quadratic formula. The function shall return a vector of zero, one, or two elements.

Hint: Use cond and write a helper function discriminant. To turn x into a negative number, write (- x). Use :else instead of a floating point comparison against 0.0.

Test: (quadratic 1 -4 3) shall return [3.0 1.0], (quadratic 1 2 1) shall return [-1], and (quadratic 1 4 5) shall return [].

(defn discriminant [a b c]
  (- (Math/pow b 2) (* 4 a c)))

(defn quadratic [a b c]
    (> (discriminant a b c) 0)
    [(/ (+ (- b) (Math/sqrt (discriminant a b c))) (* 2 a))
     (/ (- (- b) (Math/sqrt (discriminant a b c))) (* 2 a))]
    (< (discriminant a b c) 0) []
    :else [(/ (- b) (* 2 a))]))

State Machine

Write a function next-editor-state that accepts two parameters state (:clean-unsaved, :dirty-unsaved, :clean-saved, :dirty-saved) and action (:edit, :save), and returns the new state based on the following transitions:

  • A clean unsaved state becomes dirty unsaved when edited and clean saved when saved.
  • A dirty unsaved state remains when edited and becomes clean saved when saved.
  • A clean saved state becomes dirty saved when edited and remains when saved.
  • A dirty saved state remains when edited and becomes clean saved when saved.

Hint: Use nested case checks.

Test: (next-editor-state :dirty-unsaved :save) returns :clean-saved, etc.

(defn next-editor-state [state action]
  (case state
    (case action
      :edit :dirty-unsaved
      :save :clean-saved)
    (case action
      :edit :dirty-unsaved
      :save :clean-saved)
    (case action
      :edit :dirty-saved
      :save :clean-saved)
    (case action
      :edit :dirty-saved
      :save :clean-saved)))

Number Parsing

Write a function parse-number that accepts a string parameter input which shall be parsed as an integer to be returned.

Hint: Use Integer/parseInt to parse the number. Catch a possible NumberFormatException, in which case a new exception is to be thrown using ex-info.

Test: (parse-number "13") shall return 13, and (parse-number "foo") shall throw an exception.

(defn parse-number [input]
    (Integer/parseInt input)
    (catch NumberFormatException e
      (ex-info (str "cannot parse '" input "' as an integer")
               {:input input}))))