Maps, Keywords, and Sets
Create a map literal:
{"title" "Parallels" "artist" "Fates Warning" "year" 1991}
Create a map using a function:
(hash-map "title" "Parallels" "artist" "Fates Warning" "year" 1991)
Retrieve a value from a map by its key:
(def album {"title" "Parallels" "artist" "Fates Warning" "year" 1991})
(get album "title") ; "Parallels"
Same, but using the map like a function:
(album "title") ; "Parallels"
If the key is not found, nil
is returned:
(get album "duration") ; nil
(album "duration") ; nil
Use keywords instead of strings as map keys:
(def song {:title "Pale Fire"
:artist "Fates Warning"
:duration "4m17s"})
(get song :title) ; "Pale Fire"
(song :title) ; "Pale Fire"
Use the keyword like a function for map lookup:
(:title song) ; "Pale Fire"
Add a new entry (key-value pair) to a map:
(assoc song :album "Inside Out")
;; {:title "Pale Fire", :artist "Fates Warning",
;; :duration "4m17s", :album "Inside Out"}
Add multiple new entries to a map:
(assoc song :album "Inside Out" :year 1994)
;; {:title "Pale Fire", :artist "Fates Warning",
;; :duration "4m17s", :album "Inside Out", :year 1994}
Remove entries from a map:
(dissoc song :artist :duration) ; {:title "Pale Fire"}
Non-existant keys are ignored silently:
(dissoc song :artist :duration :genre :top-chart-position)
;; {:title "Pale Fire"}
Retrieve all the keys and values, respectively, from a map:
(keys song) ; (:title :artist :duration)
(vals song) ; ("Pale Fire" "Fates Warning" "4m17s")
The order of keys is not guaranteed, but matches the order of the values. Use
to create a map with keys kept in sorted order.
Check whether or not a map contains a key:
(contains? song :title) ; true
(contains? song :genre) ; false
Create a set literal:
#{"Monument" "One" "Pale Fire"}
Create a set using a function:
(hash-set "Monument" "One" "Pale Fire")
Check whether or not a set contains a value:
(def songs #{"Monument" "One" "Pale Fire"})
(contains? songs "One") ; true
(contains? songs "Two") ; false
Lookup of keywords like a function:
(def genres #{:metal :pop :electro})
(:metal genres) ; :metal
(:classic genres) ; nil
Extend a set:
(conj genres :classic) ; #{:metal :pop :electro :classic}
Remove a value from a set:
(disj genres :pop) ; #{:metal :electro}
Change a Map
Given the following map:
(def server {:name "Persephone" :uptime "13d7h5m43s" :active false})
Write an expression to remove the :uptime
key (with its value) from the map,
to update the :active
value to false
in the map, and to add the key
with the value 2025
to the map.
Hint: Use the assoc
function to alter and add a key-value pair, and the disj
function to remove a key-value pair.
Test: The map {:name "Persephone" :active false :decommissioned 2025}
is returned.
Change a Set
Given the following set:
(def members #{"Steve" "Dave" "Adrian" "Bruce" "Nicko"})
Write an expression to remove the value "Adrian"
from the set, and to add the
value "Janick"
to the set.
Hint: Use the disj
function to remove a value, and the conj
function to add
a value.
Test: The set {"Steve" "Dave" "Bruce" "Nicko" "Janick"}
is returned.
Combine Maps and Sets
Given the following map and set:
(def guitarists #{"Dave" "Adrian" "Janick"})
(def song {:title "Paschendale" :duration "8m28s"})
Write an expression which first adds the guitarists
set with the key :solos
to the song
map, and then retrieves the :solos
set again from the map,
thereby removing the value "Janick"
from the set.
Hint: Use the assoc
and disj
Test: The set {"Dave" "Adrian"}
is returned.