Hello, Clojure
Print “Hello, Clojure!”:
(println "Hello, Clojure!")
Add comments:
;; prints "Hello, Clojure!"
(println "Hello, Clojure!") ; "Hello, Clojure!"
Concatenate strings:
(str "Hello" ", " "Clojure" "!") ; "Hello, Clojure!"
Count the number of characters in a string:
(count "Hello, World!") ; 13
Use arithmetic operations:
(/ (* (+ 4 3) (- 2 3))
(* (+ 2 3 4)))
;; -7/9
Use truncating division and compute the rest of that division:
(quot 10 3) ; 3
(mod 10 3) ; 1
Compute the power and square root:
(Math/pow 2 10) ; 1024.0
(Math/sqrt 16) ; 4.0
Define and call a function:
(defn say-hi [to-whom]
(str "Hello, " to-whom "!"))
(say-hi "Jim") ; "Hello, Jim!"
Define and call a function that calculates the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle:
;; a²+b²=c² <=> c=sqrt(a²+b²)
(defn hypotenuse [a b]
(Math/sqrt (+ (Math/pow a 2) (Math/pow b 2))))
(hypotenuse 3 4) ; 5.0
Circumference of a Rectangle
Write a function circumference
that computes the circumference of a rectangle
given its sides a
and b
Hint: Use the formula 2ab
Test: (circumference 3 4)
shall return 14
Area of a Circle
Write a function that computes the area of a circle given its radius r
Hint: Use the constant Math/PI
and the formula πr²
Test: (area 2)
shall return 12.566370614359172
Minutes and Seconds
Write a function min-sec
that formats a given number of seconds to a string
of the format xmys
, with x
being the number of minutes and y
the number
of (remaining) seconds.
Hint: Use the quot
and mod
functions for the calculations.
Test: (min-sec 3578)
shall return 59m38s